Anne-Emmanuelle Ceulemans Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve), Belgique


     Anne-Emmanuelle Ceulemans is a professor at the Université catholique de Louvain at Louvain-la-Neuve and at the Institut de musique et de pédagogie at Namur. She also serves as curator of string instruments at the Brussels Musical Instruments Museum. Her research focuses on music theory and analysis, especially as these relate to early music, as well as the organology of string instruments and musical iconography.

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     Séance précomposée - Modal and Tonal Organization in Polyphonic Compositions from the Late Middle Ages to the Early Baroque 6.E.3 : Lasso, Meier, Powers. The Reality of the Modes under Scrutiny

Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg
Opéra National du Rhin
Conservatoire de Strasbourg