
     Maureen Carr is Distinguished Professor of Music Theory at The Pennsylvania State University. Her works examining Stravinsky’s use of Neoclassicism include Multiple Masks: Neoclassicism in Stravinsky’s Dramatic Works on Greek Subjects (University of Nebraska Press) and her most recent book, After the Rite: Stravinsky's Path to Neoclassicism (1914–1925) (Oxford University Press). Her current project, After Apollo: Stravinsky’s Path Through the Models of Bach (1929–1965), is under contract with Oxford University Press. A volume she co-edited with Severine Neff, Gretchen Horlacher, and John Reef, The Rite at 100, is now available from Indiana University Press. A new article about The Rake’s Progress is in the collection Faust inMusic (ed. Lorna Fitzsimmons), currently in production with Oxford University Press.

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     Séance - Bridging the Twentieth Century: Stravinsky, Varèse, and Boulez3.C.2 : Contrapuntal Elements in Selected Passages from Igor Stravinsky’s Concerto for Two Pianos (1932–35)

Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg
Opéra National du Rhin
Conservatoire de Strasbourg