
     Michalis Cholevas is a multiinstrumentalist playing Yayli Tanbur, Ney, Saz and Tarhu. He studied with Masters such as Kudsi Erguner, Ömer Erdoğdular and Erdal Erzincan. He moved to the Nehterlands for an MA in music performance for which he was granted a full scholarship. Michalis currently works at Codarts Rotterdam teaching various modal music modules and supervising the research of Master students. He is a PhD candidate with the subject of Makam Analysis: Makampedia; From Practice to Theory, at the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece.

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     Séance - Music of the Non-Western World: The Mediterranean and Beyond 5.H.2 : Locally Rhythmical and Metric Organisation of Music Phrases in Free Rhythm Taksim Improvisations

Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg
Opéra National du Rhin
Conservatoire de Strasbourg