
     Inbal Guter has a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Boston University. She is a musicologist and a concert pianist, specializing in 19th and 20th Century music. She teaches at the Buchman-Mehta School of Music in Tel Aviv University and at the University of haifa, in Israel. Her  areas of research specialization include contemporary issues relating to the organization of pitch in varied environments (e.g, diatonic, octatonic, polytonal, bitonal etc.), theories of tonality and a-tonality and ordered and unordered pitch sets.

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     Séance précomposée - Ambiguity, Illusion & Timelessness in Late and Post-Tonal Harmony 10.G.2 : Running for Long Distances: The Resilience of the Geographic Chords

Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg
Opéra National du Rhin
Conservatoire de Strasbourg