Thomas Jul Kirkegaard-Larsen Aarhus University, Danemark


     Thomas Jul Kirkegaard-Larsen is currently a second-year PhD Fellow at Musicology, Aarhus University, Denmark. He holds undergraduate degrees from Aarhus University in Musicology as well as Scandinavian Languages and Literature. Thomas has presented at local and international conferences. In his four-year PhD project, Thomas seeks to mediate between the two theoretical and analytical traditions dominating Western music theory: The Anglo-American Schenkerism on the one hand, and the Continental-European Funktionstheorie on the other. Additional research interests include word and music relationships, harmony in late 19th-century music, and contemporary Danish music.

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     Séance - Schenkerian, Riemannian, and Neo-Riemannian Theories 5.J.5 : Analyzing Analyses: Towards a Reconciliation of Schenkerism and Riemannism

Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg
Opéra National du Rhin
Conservatoire de Strasbourg