
     Dr. Tuire Kuusi works as the Vice Dean, responsible for research and doctoral education, and as a supervisor of doctoral students at the Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts, Helsinki, Finland. Her doctoral dissertation examined theoretical models of similarity. Her research interests are in music-theoretical concepts and their concrete representations in music. In addition, she has carried out research on musical emotions, tune recognition, and topics related to teaching and supervising university students. She has published numerous research articles (in Music Perception, Psychology of Music, the Journal of New Music Research, and Musicae Scientiae, among others) and acted as a reviewer.

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     Séance -Listening, Perceiving, and Cognising3.J.4 : The Challenges of Aurally Connecting Structurally Similar but Superficially Dissimilar Musical Events: Important Considerations in Analytical Listening

Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg
Opéra National du Rhin
Conservatoire de Strasbourg