
     Hei Yeung LAI has just completed his M.Phil. degree in music theory in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His thesis, titled “Form and Pitch Organization in Three Dodecaphonic Piano Sonatas from the 1950s,” takes different approaches to facilitate a comparative study among the piano sonatas written by Ernst Krenek, Alexander Goehr, and Pierre Boulez. He has presented various papers at some international and regional conferences in the U.K., Italy, Slovenia, Austria, and Japan, including the IMS 20th Quinquennial Congress (2017) and the RMA Annual Conference (2016). His paper, “Rethinking Form: A Structural Analysis of ‘Constellation-Miroir’, Formant 3 of Boulez's Third Piano Sonata,” was published in the proceedings From Modernism to Postmodernism: Between Universal and Local in August 2016.

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     Séance - Schenkerian, Riemannian, and Neo-Riemannian Theories 5.J.1 : Goehr’s Piano Sonata through a Transformational Lens

Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg
Opéra National du Rhin
Conservatoire de Strasbourg