
     Carlotta Marturano is an Italian doctoral student in Musicology at McGill University in Montréal, Canada. A graduate of Musicology at the University of Pavia, her education had a strong analytical and philological emphasis, with particular attention to the study of the creative process. Concurrently with her university, an important part in her education was her Master’s Degree in Piano Performance at the Conservatory of Pavia. Her main research interests are Beethoven and French piano instrumental music at the turn of the nineteenth century. Recently, she has broadened her interests by opening up to the Digital Humanities with a project focusing on digital genetic editions of Beethoven’s works.

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     Séance -European Instrumental Music of the 18th Century2.H.1 : “Non-Viennese” Sonata Form: François-Adrien Boïeldieu and the French Classicism

Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg
Opéra National du Rhin
Conservatoire de Strasbourg