Jean-Baptiste Masson University of Gent - Conservatoire de Reims, France


     Jean-Baptiste Masson is a French composer and scholar. He has completed in 2015 his master degree in composition summa cum laude, under the guidance of Jean-Marc Chouvel (University of Reims) and Daniel d’Adamo (Conservatoire of Reims). His thesis was about The Dynamism in the Statism. Time and narrativity techniques and strategies in Giacinto Scelsi, Steve Reich and Morton Feldman’s work. It was supported by compositions for string trio, ensemble, choir, and electronic.

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     Séance - Modern American Composers 12.J.4 : To Weave Time: The Late Music of Feldman through the Example of Violin and String Quartet

Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg
Opéra National du Rhin
Conservatoire de Strasbourg