
     Rudolf Rasch is a musicologist and taught for many years theory and history of music at the Department of Musicology of Utrecht University (Utrecht, Netherlands). Among his various interests are the musical history of the Netherlands, music theory, the history of music printing and publishing, and the works of composers such as Corelli, Vivaldi, Geminiani and Boccherini. He has published books, articles and editions related to these topics. He was the editor of Music Publishing in Europe: Concepts and Issues, Bibliography (Berlin 2005) and Understanding Boccherini's Manuscripts (Newcastle, 2014). He is the General Editor of Francesco Geminiani: Opera Omnia, published by Ut Orpheus Edizioni (Bologna).

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     Conférence semi-plénière 7.A : A Paradigm for Studying the Transition from Modality to Tonality in the Seventeenth Century

Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg
Opéra National du Rhin
Conservatoire de Strasbourg