
     Bohdan Syroyid is a PhD student in musicology at the KU Leuven (Belgium) with his doctoral project ‘Analysis of the use of silence in the musical compositions of Vivian Fine’ under the supervision of Mark Delaere, and a MFA student in ‘Professional Composition and Orchestration’ at ThinkSpace Education in collaboration with the University of Chichester (UK) directed by Guy Michelmore. With a Bachelor’s Degree in ‘Musical Composition’ by the Higher Conservatory of Music of Málaga (Spain) and a Master’s Degree in ‘Musical Research’ by the International University of La Rioja (Spain), his current research is focused on the functions of silence in music and music composition for film and media. Since 2015, he is the president of ACIM (Málaga).

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     Séance - Contemporary Musical Horizons (I)2.I.2 : Analysis of the use of Silence in Frédéric Devreese’s Passage à 5, Mascarade, Danse de l’Auberge and Valse Sacrée

Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg
Opéra National du Rhin
Conservatoire de Strasbourg