
     Florian Vogt is Dozent für Musiktheorie at the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg (Germany) and teaches at the Schola Cantorum in Basel (Switzerland). He studied music theory, early music, music education and mathematics in Freiburg, Rochester and Basel. In 2016 he has finished his dissertation on Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel's Anleitung zur musikalischen Setzkunst. Currently he is working together with David Mesquita on a textbook about historically inspired ear training. His other publications and research interests include the history and practice of improvised counterpoint, Bruckner, CPE Bach, early Schenker-reception as well as partimento. He is also an active basso continuo player.

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     Séance - Counterpoint and Composition in Europe during the 17th and 18th Centuries 12.F.3 : Zacconi, Banchieri and the Counterpoint Species: Reconstructing the Klanglichkeit of the contrapunto in compagnia

Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg
Opéra National du Rhin
Conservatoire de Strasbourg